Michael Singletary  (1950-2019)



BirthPlace: New York,

N.Y.Education: Art Student League at Vermont Academy; Syracuse University (B.F.A.); Rhode Island School of Design; University of Ghana, West Africa; University of Guadalajara, Mexico; Fountainebleau Music and Fine Arts Conservatoire, France (Damrosch Scholarship)

Curatorial Credits: Curator of "Sept 11 Artist Response" Exhibit at the Pelham Art Center (May 2002). Member of the Gordon Park's Advisory Committee for the Hudson River Museum exhibit "Half Past Autumn: The art of Gordon Parks."

The 2000 New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship In Painting recipient. Michael's artwork also was selected by the summer issue of American Vision (August/September 97) magazine as one of six American artists to be showcased in their annual “Portfolio” of “artist to watch out for”. Michael’s work was also published in American Artist(March 91)  and many art other related publications.

 Michael J. Singletary, artist, filmmaker radio and television producer exhibited in over 300 different fine arts exhibits including The American Craft Museum, The Bayly Museum, Harlem Studio Museum, Whitney Museum, The Art Gallery at Rockefeller State Park, Millennium Gallery Wash. D.C., International Vision Gallery Wash. D. C., The Hudson River Museum, The Nueberger Museum, Sotheby, The Museum of Arts and Design, Lew Allen Gallery, Lubin House Gallery, Blue Hill Arts and Cultural Center Pearl River, The Jazz Museum, The Countee Cullen and Schomberg Center for African American Studies, Essie Green Gallery, Lloyd Vann Gallery -Chelsea ("The Chocolate Hip Hop Show), Atelier Gallery (New York), Pepsi Cola, Kraft General Foods, and Readers Digest. He also exhibited with many noted artist, including Andy Warhol, Romere Bearden, Chuck Close, Red Grooms, David Hockney, Robert Indiana, Lowell Nesbitt, Claes Olenberg, Fernando Botero, Phillip Pearlstein, Robert Mapplethorpe and many, many, more. His slides are currently included in the Museum of Modern Art Library. He was also featured in American Artist Magazine, Black Art Magazine, African Visions Magazine, and was the official artit for the "New York City Basketball Hall of Fame."

His work was featured in Spike Lee's films "Mo Better  Blues" and "Jungle Fever", "The Cosby Show", "227" and "The Guilding Light". His very successful "Jazz Series"; a series of over 100 paintings celebrating jazz and the people who play "the music" was internationally acclaimed and represented in many art galleries and art magazines. He also exhibited with many noted musicians as the late Dizzy Gillespie and Nancy Wilson. Many of these jazz paintings now can be seen on the cds of noted musicians Don Pullen (Random Thoughts), Bobby Watson (Post Motown Bop) and Blue Note Records. A documentary film of these works entitled "The Jazz Painter" (Kiro Films) was shown in Tokyo, Japan. One of his print entitled,"Cottonfield Blues" was in the collection of the United States Library of Congress. An exhibit, "the Chocolate Hip Hop" was exhibited at the Lloyd Vann Galleries-Chelsea and at the New York "Chocolate" Show and featured in articles in the Gannett Sunday News and Gotham Magazine as well as a television feature on BET Nightly News. Listed in Who's Who in American Art, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in the East, and Who's Who in Entertainment.

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